11 Jun. 2024

5 Other Ways Insurance Agents Can Boost Their Performance with Agencify

This article dives into how Agencify is helping insurance agents to thrive in the competitive insurance landscape, with tools, programs, and support systems that empower them to sell on the go, seize opportunities, and build lasting relationships with clients.

20 Mar. 2024

Analog vs. Digital: The Evolution of Insurance Business for Agents

Introduction: In today’s rapidly evolving insurance landscape, many insurance agents find themselves navigating a digital world while still adhering to […]

31 Jan. 2024

5 Ways an Insurance Agent Can Boost Their Success in 2024

The insurance industry is ever-changing, and for independent insurance agents, adapting to new trends is key. In 2024, insurance agents […]

31 Jan. 2024


GM’S MESSAGE: GRATITUDE AND THANKS Nicholas Muratha, General Manager, Agencify Limited On behalf of the CEO of Agencify, Ayisi Makatiani, […]

20 Nov. 2023

How Agencify Boosts an Agent’s Productivity Every Day of the Week: An Interview with an Agent

How Agencify Boosts an Agent’s Productivity Every Day of the Week: An Interview with an Agent I interviewed one of […]

30 Jul. 2023

The Beginner’s Guide to Insurance Management Platforms

Introduction: Selling insurance can be a rewarding career, but it can also be challenging and time-consuming. As an insurance agent, […]

07 Jun. 2023

20 Smart Ways to Generate Insurance Leads Online – Part 2

20 Smart Ways to Generate Insurance Leads Online – Part 2 We mentioned in our previous article that in today’s […]

28 Apr. 2023

6 New Realities of Insurance Agents in Kenya

The insurance industry in Kenya is at a turning point, with new technologies and changing customer expectations reshaping the landscape. […]